Club Penguin Two-Story Igloo Coming Soon?

If you like tiny, boring, plain looking igloo's, then do not view this post. But if you like large cool looking igloo's, keep you penguin eyes glued. Because Club Penguin may be coming out with a brand new, never before seen two-story igloo. Not Toy-Story. ;) But two levels of igloo awesome-ness. Take a look at this photo I managed to get my penguin flippers on:
Pretty saweeet? Lol, right? Then with the help of my buddy Penguitt I found some proof that this shall be the next, biggest, baddest, and coolest igloo on Club Penguin. Just take a look at this comic, make sure to read what the two penguins are saying.
I can't read lips, but I can read a chat bubble. ;) But just in case you can't read the chat bubble too, here's the important stuff those two cool penguins are saying. The black penguin says, and I quote, lol "I'm making you an upstairs loft and breakfast nook!" Who cares about the breakfast nook, I mean since when do penguins eat breakfast? But did you hear the part about the loft? 

- Lville

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