Club Penguin Field Op #7 Cheats!

Its that time again! Time for a new Field Op's mission. So what are you waiting for? Lets get started!

Step 1. First click on your blinking red spy phone in the bottom left hand corner to get started.

Step 2. Click 'Go there' in the message that pops up on your spy phone. This will take you to the Command Room so you can receive your task. 

Step 3. Once your in the Command Room click on the Field Ops sign to get started.

Step 4. After you click on that a message from Gary will pop that says, "

Step 5. After you read the message click 'Accept Field Op.' (Duh! But you already knew how to do that. We've done it six times now, lol.)

Step 6. Go to the Lighthouse Beacon, and walk next to the power switch.

Step 7. Your spy phone should now be blinking green. Click it! (Duh! Who wouldn't press a green blinking button? I always do, lol!)

Step 8. Next you will have 60 seconds to power up the Chipset by guiding your micro battery by remote control. Watch out for traps!

Congrats! You now should have completed the 7th weekly field op!

Anyone else a little upset it was a day late? I wasn't sure when Club Penguin was going to release it. They had my mind all boggled!

- Lville

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