How to Become a Ninja on Club Penguin

Earning a black belt and becoming a ninja is fairly easy, it just takes some time. Here are all the things you need to know when trying to become a ninja.
The basics:
  • Fire beats snow.
  • Snow beats water.
  • Water beats snow.
How to win a match:
  • Winning a match does take some skill, but all you really have to do is think about what card you should play next, and what card you think you opponent will play.
  • To win you will need to have 1 fire card, 1 water card, and 1 snow card that are all different colors.

How to earn your belts:
  • Earning you belts may take time, but is very simple. To earn higher belts you just have to win more and more games.
  • It takes about 5 to 10 wins to get a new belt color.
  • If you want to earn your belts quicker talk to Sensei instead of going to one of the blue mats.
How to beat Sensei:
  • Beating Sensei is near impossible. Sensei always knows what card your going to play and when your going to play it. He’s good. After all he is Sensei, right? But after you play Sensei anywhere between about 5 and 10 times you will win. Its as easy as that.
If you follow all those steps you should be a ninja in no time.
- Lville

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