Reviewed by you - Favorite instrument

The Music Jam is coming up in just a few days. So last week Club Penguin asked us what our favorite instrument was. Here's what Rainexo had to say:

"I love expressing my self through music! Whether it be playing the guitar or singing on a microphone, music makes me happy! Every penguin should have the amazing opportunity to play an instrument. Play away, penguins!"

Wow Rainexo, is it just me or do you really sound like a motivational speaker?

Also because the Music Jam is also here (and do you do when you hear music? You dance! Well I do. :P) Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite style of dance is? You can tell them by clicking here.

- Lville 


  1. I like your new blog theme. Very.... original. :)

  2. @Happyace - Thanks Happyace! You read my mind, because I was trying to make my blog original looking when I was working on the theme. :D
