An easy way to get the items from Herbert's Revenge without buying it

The last big update on Club Penguin (possibly since ninja's) is the EPF, and the two video games Club Penguin released for the Nintendo DS, rigth? So everyone (I know I do) want's the free items you can unlock and upload to your penguin online, right? Here's a easy (and its legal) way to get the video game, unlock the items, and not even have to buy it.
All you have to do is go to a local Blockbuster, Family Video, Hollywood Video (maybe something very different for my buddies over in the UK) or any other video store. Then once your there walk to the stores video game section (which most likely all the stores will have) then more often than not they will rent games for the Nintendo DS. Just look for Club Penguin's EPF: Herbert's Revenge. Then you can connect to your computer, upload your items, and return it in a week or so!

Like my idea? If so leave me a comment!

- Lville

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