The Club Penguin Times Celebrates 250 Issues!

Its Thursday. And I know you know what that means. Should I even have to tell you? LOL. Anyways this week the Club Penguin Times released its 250th issue! WOW! Congrats, Aunt Arctic.

I remember the 150th issue just like it was yesterday. We even got a cool gold pin to celebrate! I wonder if we'll get another new pin? That would be cool!

I bet you could have guessed it. But if you didn't guess correctly, this Club Penguin Times talked about about stamps. (I mean what else would it talk about?)

If you want to hear even MORE about new stamps in Club Penguin. Or if you want to know tricks on customizing your stamp book, you can click here.

Also click here to read my super guide to new Club Penguin stamps!

- Lville

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