NEW Club Penguin Stamps SUPER Guide!

Its week a long few weeks of guessing, and waiting. But finally Club Penguin has released the brand new 'collectible' feature we've all been looking forward to! STAMPS!

To get started open your player card, and click on the new stamp button.

You can also view other penguins stamp collections by clicking on their player card, and then clicking on the new stamp button.

Once you click on the stamp button, your stamp book will pop up.

Members can customize the cover of their stamp books by adding different pins and stamps they've earned, changed the color, and more! (Sorry not for non members. But on they bright side, non members can still collect most of the stamps!)

Just click on the pencil and paper in the lower right hand corner to get started.

In the stamp book, you can view the stamps, and pins you already have. Plus you can see what you have to do to earn new stamps.

You can earn a total of 107 stamps (as of now, new ways to earn stamps may come later on) by doing certin actives, playing games, and meeting famous penguins such as Rockhopper or Gary!

So what are you waiting for? Go see how many stamps you can earn!

- Lville

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