Club Penguin Music Jam cheats, free items, new rooms, and more!

Woot! The 3rd annul Club Penguin Music Jam is officially here! After a very long week of waiting, we finally get to waddle around the island, talk to the Penguin Band, and Cadence, play our instruments, and get free items!
The first thing you should do at the Music Jam is members go and grab your All Access Pass so you can explore all the fun of the Music Jam! (Sorry non-members.) Buy your All Access Pass at the Snow Forts or Ski Village.

New rooms:

One of my favorite part of Club Penguin parties has to be exploring all the great rooms! This year there are two awesome new rooms.

The first new (well really its old from the past Music Jam's :P) room is the Backstage room. In the Backstage room you can find the Penguin Band, Cadence, and all buy lots of cool instruments. (Sadly its members only.)
The second new room (this room is brought back from old Music Jam's too, so really its old :P) is the Night Club Roof. You can often find Cadence hanging around at the Night Club Roof. I heard you can get a new background from her this year too. ;)
The final new (and this time it really is new) is the Casa Fiesta! (Sadly its only for members too.)

Free items:

The first free item (yes for non members, woot!) is the Blue Headphones, which can be found at the Cove. The blue headphones look a lot like the green headphones from last year, huh? I still like them though. ;)
The second free item (for members only) is the Red T-Shirt, and it can be found in the Backstage room, which is located off the Dock. And I don't know about you but I love this free item.
The third (and final) free item is the old boom box, and can be found at the Night Club Roof, which is located above the Night Club of course! (I mean duh! Lol.)
[boom box.png]

WOW! So pretty cool Music Jam, right? What's your favorite part? Are you still having fun even if your a non member? Leave a comment and let me know!

- Lville

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