Club Penguin Field Op #5 cheats!

Its Monday, and you know what that means, right? Well just in case you forgot it means there's a new Field Op for us to do!

Step 1. Click on your blinking red spy phone to get started.

Step 2. Click 'Go there' in the message that pops up on your spy phone. This will take you to the Command Room so you can receive your task. 

Step 3. Once your in the Command Room click on the Field Ops sign to get started.

Step 4. Once you've clicked on that a message from Gary will pop up that says, """Calling all agents! We've uncovered evidence that someone is planing to ruin Music Jam. We must act immediately! A microphone has been set to over load and wreck."

Step 5. After you see read that message, click 'Accept Field-Op.'

Step 6. Go to the Forest. Then walk to the microphone that's located on the stage at the Forest.

Step 7. Next you will have 60 seconds to destroy all the circuits, by matching the same shapes.

Another same game again... Kinda lame, right? But on the bright side once you've done all that you should have a new medal!

- Lville

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