Where have you been Lville?!

I know, I know. I bet most of you are asking, "Where's Lville? Why haven't you been posting dude?" Your right, I haven't been posting, I haven't even really been on Twitter for the past week.

The reason because I've been on vacation. You've all been on vacation, or away from home where you couldn't get on the computer as much as you needed, right? I hope you know that I'm truly sorry, and I promise to post every update from now on! (Well at least until I take vacation next year, lol.)

I hope you still continue to view Lville's Club Penguin Blog for all you Club Penguin updates, cheats, and a few fun posts along the way. ;)

I'll try my best to make it up to you for not being here. So you might see a new blog template, or a contest or two soon. So keep you eye on my blog, make sure you always visit, and get your buddies to come!

Follow me on Twitter!

- Lville

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