Field Op #4 cheats! Plus is Herbert P. Bear back?

:O Is it that time again? Already? I guess it is. Its time for the fourth Club Penguin Field Op. To start the new Field Op, click on your spy phone.
Once your click on your spy phone, it will say report to the command room to receive your op. Click 'Go there.' (I mean duh! Of course you want to go there.)
After your in the command room, click on the Field Op sign to get your task. (Its a big sign, trust me you wont miss it. :P)
Now click 'Accent Field Op' silly. We didn't come all this way for nothin'. We need to get that medal, right?
If you can't read what the op is about it says, "Our surveillance network has had a major black out. We're not sure what, or who, is responsible." (Maybe Herbert P. Bear is up to no good again.) Then the rest of the message says, "The broken network computer is disguised inside a couch. Search the island for it, then power it up!"

Hmm, a couch? Maybe a couch in the Lodge Attic?
Yep, I was right! But its not just any couch... Its the red couch! ;)

Then you have to power up the chipset. To power it up, "Guide your micro battery by remote control. Go from recharger to the chips. Watch out for traps!"
This game is pretty fun. Its kinda hard to! Good luck agents, and thanks for keeping Club Penguin safe.

- Lville

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