Brand New Club Penguin Ice Fishing Wallpaper!

Coolio! Check this out, Club Penguin just added a brand new wallpaper. If you didn't notice (which I'm sure you did, lol) this wall paper is ALL about Ice Fishing. It even has good ol' Mullet in the picture. 

Hmm, is it just a wallpaper this time? Remember my crazy theory about the last wallpaper Club Penguin released? What are your thoughts? (I think I'm crazy! Lol.)

Click here to read my theory about the last wallpaper.

- Lville

1 comment:

  1. Hey, My Penguin name is Locall, and I saw you on Monchochos blogroll, and just asking if you want a header like this one , If you do email me the dimentions of the header and I will send you it~

    - Locall
