NEW Series 9 Treasure book! Plus cheats!

Club Penguin has released a new (well sorta, its a little bit like the series 8 treasure book, lol) series 9 treasure book! All though its somewhat like the last treasure book I still love to buy new Club Penguin toys and unlock items, don't you? The best part is that the exclusives (my favorite part of the book!) are always different, right?

Anyways down to the good stuff... The cheats!

1st. Turn to page two.
2nd. Click on the nose of the cheerleader, to get the White Pompoms.

3rd. Turn to the third page.
4th. Click on the light beam coming from the hands of Shadow Guy, to get the Gamma Gal costume.

5th. Turn to the next page.
6th. Click on the Crystal Staff that the penguin is holding, for the Amethyst Dress and Hat.

7th. Turn the page again.
8th. Now click on the eye of the crab costume, for the Beige Explorers Outfit.

Now you should be the best looking penguin on the whole island with all those sweet cheats! ;)

- Lville

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