Club Penguin Field Op #8 Cheats!

Field Op number 8 is here. So I've got the SAWEET cheats. Check 'em out:

Step 1. First click on your blinking red spy phone in the bottom left hand corner to get started.

Step 2. Click 'Go there' in the message that pops up on your spy phone. This will take you to the Command Room so you can receive your task. 

Step 3. Once your in the Command Room click on the Field Ops sign to get started.

Step 4. After you click on that a message from Gary will pop that says, "We've detected a possible threat somewhere near the Dojo. The ninja's may be in danger! Search the area together. Look for technology ninja's don't normally use, then shut it down. Hurry!"

Step 5. After you read the message click 'Accept Field Op.' 

Step 6. Go to the Dojo Courtyard and walk onto the film projector. 

Step 7. Your spy phone should now be blinking green. Click it to destroy the circuits and get your medal. (Unless you don't want your medal. Weirdo.)

Don't you think the Field Ops are starting to get a little boring? I mean its just the same thing week, after week. At least that's my opinion. 

- Lville

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