Club Penguin Stamp Update - Puffle Rescue Added!

Check this out, late last night Club Penguin added an update to our stamp books! (The update is not here anymore, but may be added again soon!) The update allowed us to earn a total of 28 stamps for the Puffle Rescue game.

I know, I know. Your probably saying, but Lville there's no stamps in that picture! Good eye, lol. And right you are, there aren't any stamps because Club Penguin most likely didn't want to release it to the public or just released it as a test.

So just to make everything clear. The update is no longer here. Last night you could NOT actually earn the stamps (because you didn't know how, because nothing loaded, for ANYONE.)

So this must mean we'll be able to earn stamps for Puffle Rescue in the future. But when? How? Any ideas?

- Lville

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