NEW Things Coming to Club Penguin This August!

Sweetness! July ends tomorrow, so Billybob posted this awesome sneak peek of four NEW things coming to Club Penguin this August.

Billybob said that a brand new event called Mountain Expedition will be coming, with lots of cool things for members. He also told us to check the gift shop next month for 'Mountain Expedition' gear.

There will also be updates for Elite Agents! (Coolio!) So Billybob told us to keep our eye on the Command Room, and look for for new Elite Gear!

And last be not least, expect more stamps in August!

What do you think your favorite update of August will be? I'm really looking forward to the Mountain Expedition!

Click here to read about the Mountain Expedition. 

- Lville

Brand New Club Penguin Ice Fishing Wallpaper!

Coolio! Check this out, Club Penguin just added a brand new wallpaper. If you didn't notice (which I'm sure you did, lol) this wall paper is ALL about Ice Fishing. It even has good ol' Mullet in the picture. 

Hmm, is it just a wallpaper this time? Remember my crazy theory about the last wallpaper Club Penguin released? What are your thoughts? (I think I'm crazy! Lol.)

Click here to read my theory about the last wallpaper.

- Lville

NEW Club Penguin Compass Pin Cheat!

Wow, I've been so busy earning new stamps, I totally forgot about pin! Lol. Am I the only one?

Anyways pin has been hidden on the island, and here's how you can find it:

Step 1. Open you map and go to the town.
Step 2. Next walk into the Night Club.
Step 3. After your in the Night Club, waddle on down into the Boiler Room.
Step 4. Walk onto the Compass pin.

Congrats! You know have the newest Club Penguin pin! The Compass pin!

- Lville

Club Penguin Mountain Expedition Coming Soon?

Whoa! Check this sweetness out! In the new issue of the Club Penguin Times there's an upcoming event on the last page that says ""Starting August 13. Mountain Expedition. Join the Climb - Explore new heights!"

So this could me one of two things, right? Either its going to be a new room (which I think would be awesome!) or a brand new party. Maybe both? Maybe it will be a new party that will lead to a new room?

Whatever it will be it looks AWESOME! Agreed?

If you think you know whats going to happen, leave a comment. I'd love to hear your ideas.

- Lville

The Club Penguin Times Celebrates 250 Issues!

Its Thursday. And I know you know what that means. Should I even have to tell you? LOL. Anyways this week the Club Penguin Times released its 250th issue! WOW! Congrats, Aunt Arctic.

I remember the 150th issue just like it was yesterday. We even got a cool gold pin to celebrate! I wonder if we'll get another new pin? That would be cool!

I bet you could have guessed it. But if you didn't guess correctly, this Club Penguin Times talked about about stamps. (I mean what else would it talk about?)

If you want to hear even MORE about new stamps in Club Penguin. Or if you want to know tricks on customizing your stamp book, you can click here.

Also click here to read my super guide to new Club Penguin stamps!

- Lville

New Club Penguin Reviewed by You - Favorite Pin?

Last week Club Penguin asked us what our favorite pin of all time was. Here's was Friitzee08 had to say.
"I've collected a lot of pins over the year. And they're all so great. But, I prefer a special one. Like the recycle pin! It's a small symbol, but it changes the world by a %100. I'm pretty sure it's made out of recycled stuff from the recycle center near the mine (; Each pin, I have stands for something. So, I try to wear a new one everyday to show my 'pin-spirit'!"
Very cool Friitzee. Very cool.

Because stamps just released, and I'm sure a lot of you penguins have awesome ideas for a few good stamps that Club Penguin could add to the stamp book, they want you to leave them a comment and tell them - What new stamps would you like to see added to Club Penguin?

 - Lville

Club Penguin Field Op #7 Cheats!

Its that time again! Time for a new Field Op's mission. So what are you waiting for? Lets get started!

Step 1. First click on your blinking red spy phone in the bottom left hand corner to get started.

Step 2. Click 'Go there' in the message that pops up on your spy phone. This will take you to the Command Room so you can receive your task. 

Step 3. Once your in the Command Room click on the Field Ops sign to get started.

Step 4. After you click on that a message from Gary will pop that says, "

Step 5. After you read the message click 'Accept Field Op.' (Duh! But you already knew how to do that. We've done it six times now, lol.)

Step 6. Go to the Lighthouse Beacon, and walk next to the power switch.

Step 7. Your spy phone should now be blinking green. Click it! (Duh! Who wouldn't press a green blinking button? I always do, lol!)

Step 8. Next you will have 60 seconds to power up the Chipset by guiding your micro battery by remote control. Watch out for traps!

Congrats! You now should have completed the 7th weekly field op!

Anyone else a little upset it was a day late? I wasn't sure when Club Penguin was going to release it. They had my mind all boggled!

- Lville

NEW Club Penguin Stamps SUPER Guide!

Its week a long few weeks of guessing, and waiting. But finally Club Penguin has released the brand new 'collectible' feature we've all been looking forward to! STAMPS!

To get started open your player card, and click on the new stamp button.

You can also view other penguins stamp collections by clicking on their player card, and then clicking on the new stamp button.

Once you click on the stamp button, your stamp book will pop up.

Members can customize the cover of their stamp books by adding different pins and stamps they've earned, changed the color, and more! (Sorry not for non members. But on they bright side, non members can still collect most of the stamps!)

Just click on the pencil and paper in the lower right hand corner to get started.

In the stamp book, you can view the stamps, and pins you already have. Plus you can see what you have to do to earn new stamps.

You can earn a total of 107 stamps (as of now, new ways to earn stamps may come later on) by doing certin actives, playing games, and meeting famous penguins such as Rockhopper or Gary!

So what are you waiting for? Go see how many stamps you can earn!

- Lville

TWO New Club Penguin 'Stamps' Log in Screens!

After long weeks of waiting stamps are finally here! And Club Penguin wants you to know it, so they've added two, not just one, but two brand new 'stamp-themed' log in screen.

WOW! Pretty cool, right? I think this is the first time Club Penguin ever added TWO new log in screens for a new event. So that tells you how big, and how awesome stamps will be!
- Lville

Where have you been Lville?!

I know, I know. I bet most of you are asking, "Where's Lville? Why haven't you been posting dude?" Your right, I haven't been posting, I haven't even really been on Twitter for the past week.

The reason because I've been on vacation. You've all been on vacation, or away from home where you couldn't get on the computer as much as you needed, right? I hope you know that I'm truly sorry, and I promise to post every update from now on! (Well at least until I take vacation next year, lol.)

I hope you still continue to view Lville's Club Penguin Blog for all you Club Penguin updates, cheats, and a few fun posts along the way. ;)

I'll try my best to make it up to you for not being here. So you might see a new blog template, or a contest or two soon. So keep you eye on my blog, make sure you always visit, and get your buddies to come!

Follow me on Twitter!

- Lville

Club Penguin Updates: Two More Books Added

Hello Penguins,

Its been a while since new books have been added to the I have a book tab in the Unlock Items Online feature in Club Penguin, well, new books have been added now! Two books that are Guides to Club Penguin:
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Awesome right? We will have some codes to use on those two books soon! Make sure that if you get one, you send us the codes for us to have a wider set of them! Also, a new postcard about the Underwater Adventure Play has been released! Make sure to check that out!

Until Then, Waddle On!

Club Penguin Updates: UnderWater Adventure Back On Stage!

Hello Penguins,

Check it out! The Underwater Adventure Stage show is back into Club Penguin's stage! Go to the plaza and make sure to check it out! It has an awesome scenario and some awesome costumes, now check it out:
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Check out this awesome video showing the updates in the Stage during July 2010! Check out for the costumes, backgrounds & even more! Check it out:

Awesome Right? Too bad it doesnt have any cheats, and all of the items are repeated! Well, i can't wait till another play comes! Like the bamboo once came!

Until Then, Waddle On!

Happy77 Asks Questions About Stamps!

WOW! The stamp book looks pretty cool, doesn't it? I'm getting pretty excited for the new stamps! Aren't you?

Anyways stamps arrive in just about a week (July 26th to be exact) and Happy77 thought we would want to know more about the stamp books we will soon get. So she asked a 'stamp expert' a few questions. 

Q: How will I find my Stamp Book?
A: Just click on your player card. When you do, inside the book there are places for a whole bunch of stamps - and descriptions of how you can earn them.

Q: How do I earn Stamps?
A: Lots of different ways! There are easy stamps and extreme stamps, stamps you have to earn with buddies, and ones that you'll earn by showing off your skills in games. For example, to earn this stamp, you'll have to jackhammer at the 'berg with 30 penguins.

Q: Can I still get pins?
A: Yep, you sure can! Pins aren't going to change. And the best part is you can show off your ENTIRE pin collection inside your Stamp Book.  

Cool! Thanks for the interview Happy!

What do you think will be more fun to collect? Stamps or pins? And why? Leave me a comment, and if its good enough I'll feature it in another blog post. ;)

- Lville

New Special Things Coming for Members!

Club Penguin saw how much fun we had making music and exploring the new rooms and places during the Music Jam so they decided to tell us about some of the cool things coming up just for members. 
  • Make music at the Lighthouse: Starting today musical instruments will be available in the Lighthouse all the time, because we love to see you guys jam!
  • Design your igloo: We know how creative you are with your igloos and we wanted to give you more. If you liked the T-shirt builder in Penguin Style, you're going to love the new Better Igloos catalog.
  • Spy Phone Updates: EPF Agents will face greater challenges to keep the island safe in August. You'll receive new Field-Op orders with more Spy Phone games to test your skills. Plus you'll be able to obtain brand new elite gear with your medals!
  • Earn Stamps: Stamps will be available for everyone, and we wanted to give members access to exclusive stamps and features. As a result, some of the harder levels in games will be made member only. The games that will be changing are Jet Pack Adventure, Catchin' Waves, Thin Ice, Astro Barrier and Aqua Grabber. Don't worry, everyone will still be able to play the first few levels.   
WOW! Pretty cool, right? The design your igloo sounds pretty fun! And of course I can't wait for the new stamps feature!

What do you like the best? Does this new stuff bum you out non members? Leave a comment and let me know.

- Lville

    Club Penguin Field Op #5 Cheats!


    The Club Penguin Music Jam Comes to an End


    Club Penguin Stamps Mystery Finally Solved!

    After a long week of guessing, Club Penguin finally confirmed that the sneak peek they gave us about a week ago will be new collectible stamps! Awesome, right? If pins aren't enough to collect, now you have stamps.

    The new feature will come out July 26th. And that's what that ad in the Club Penguin times was for. Lol, very sneaky Club Penguin.

    We'll get our own Stamp Book to put them in. And just as a lot of you guessed we can earn them from doing things like playing games around the island. But Billybob also said that we'll need to work together to earn many of the stamps. Sounds cool, right?

    Are you ready for Club Penguin stamps? I know I am!

    - Lville

    TWO New Stamps Added to the Collectibles Sneak Peek!

    Remember the sneak peek of the so called 'collectibles' Billybob posted about a week ago? Well he's updated the post again, this time adding two new stamp pictures.

    So the new pictures this time are a picture of Rockhopper, and the same image from the "July 26. It all starts." page in the newspaper. So the stamps and what ever is happening on July 26th must be connected somehow, right? But how?

    I still think they'll have something to do with Penguin Mail? What else would you use stamps for? But how do we earn them? And what do they represent?

    - Lville

    Is Club Penguin Bringing Back the Water Party?

    Wow, check it! Club Penguin added a new wallpaper to the Community page. Like it? I do!

    One thing I noticed about this wallpaper, is that its water themed. Not music themed. I mean the Music Jam is going on right now after all. You think Club Penguin would have made a Music Jam wallpaper right? So maybe this has to do with the July 26th date we saw in the newspaper. Maybe Club Penguin is bringing back the water party? That would be COOL!

    What do you think? Is Club Penguin bringing back the water party? Or am I crazy and is this just a new wallpaper? 

    - Lville

    New Penguin Poll - Who Would You Most Like to Meet?

    Club Penguin released a new Penguin Poll today. And this special question of this poll, is what famous penguin would you most like to meet?

    Rockhopper is winning, with Cadence in a close second! But the thing that surprised me the most is that Franky is losing! I mean c'mon guys? You don't want to meet Franky? Its the Music Jam! Franky is on the island right now! (I'd think I'd most like to meet Sensei though, lol. Sorry Frank.)

    Who would YOU most like to meet?

    - Lville

    New Club Penguin Tambourine Pin Cheat!

    I also missed it, (even though Club Penguin did release it two days early) the new Club Penguin pin. Here's how to get the NEWEST pin:

    1. Open your map.
    2. Go to the Ski Village.
    3. Waddle into the Ski Lodge.
    4. Climb the ladder to the Lodge Attic.
    5. Move your flippers and feet over to the pin.

    Easy as pie. Or cake. :P Which ever one you like better.

    Thanks TeddyCP, Cazz94, and PittyLett! :)
    - Lville

    Better Igloos Catalog Cheats for July/August 2010

    The whole island has Music Jam fever right now, and of course the new Better Igloos furniture catalog is full of music items! So here are all the saweet cheats!

    1. Click on the DJ Table for the Drum Kit.

    Click on the Wall Speakers for the Quarter Note.

    Click on the word Disco for the Lanterns.

    Click on the Disco Ball for the Guitar Stand.

     Click on the Eight Note for the Music Stand.

    Click on the cash register for the Tropical Palm. 

    Click on the top of the Clothes Rack for the HD TV.

    Click on the window of the Stone Wall Ruins for the Mermaid Vanity.
    Click on the window of the Pirate Ship for the Bamboo Torch.

    Click on the Potted Palm for the Poodle Plant.

    Click on the Flower Pot for the Ficus Plant.

    Click on the middle point of the Royal Throne for the Snake Grass.

    Click on the Medieval Banner for the Bulrushes.

    WOW! A lot of cheats! But know you should know all the hidden items to the July/August Better Igloos Catalog!

    - Lville

    New Music Jam Backstage Music Catalog!

    Just as Club Penguin promised (well sorta, it is a day early, lol) new instruments in the Music Catalog backstage. Just as a lot of you smart penguins guess the three new instruments are the Acoustic Guitar, Orange Double Necked Guitar, and the Tambourine. 

    Pretty cool, right? The Conga Drums still remain my favorite instrument of this Music Jam though. What's your favorite instrument?

    - Lville

    It All Starts July 26?

    As most of you know there's a new Club Penguin Times released today. The newspaper said what I would expect, a lot about the Music Jam, and a few other pages that are just there for us to read for fun. But then there's this page titled Advertizement, with a picture on it that says: "July 26. It all starts."

    What could this mean? Possibly the most EPIC Club Penguin summer party ever? It sounds like a HUGE event to me! But what about? Surfing? Summer? A new water party? 
    Club Penguin has been doing really good with making sneak peeks about new features. First the stamps, now this.

    - Lville

    The Penguin Band Finally Arives Backstage!

    From the time the Music Jam started until today you could go watch the Penguin Band preform at the Ice Burg, but now you can finally go meet them backstage or at Casa Fiest and get their new background.

    Cool, right? If you want to meet the Penguin Band you can you my 100% accurate Penguin Band tracker!

    - Lville

    AGAIN! A New Stamp Sneak Peek!

    WOW! This is already the third sneak peek Billybob has given us about the new upcoming collectibles. (Or stamps, lol.) Click here for the first sneak peek. And click here for the second sneak peek. And here's a picture of another collectible (I mean stamp, lol!).

    Hmm, a penguin dancing to music? So far we have:
    • A crab holding a coin
    • A picture of a penguin dancing to music (during the Music Jam might I add)
    • We know that the will be 'collectibles'
    • And Billybob has hinted that their stamps
    So what could they be for? Penguin mail? How do we earn them? Whatever the stamps will be, I think there going to be pretty cool! Don't you?

    Thanks Purple Gummy for letting me know the stamps were updated!

    - Lville

    Favorite Dance Style - Reviewed by You

    Last week Club Penguin asked us what our favorite dance style was. Here's Lawain's favorite dance style:

    "Well, i like to make my own dance style, and i cant do this without my friends, cuz they love to dance! We love to swing our hands in the air and sing along to our favorite songs! We also love to breakdance so that the crowd will be amazed! We also love to combine dances to see how many possibilities there are to dance! We love to boogie to the beat, stomp our feet, and have a little treat afterwards!"
    Lol, awesome! And it rhymed, even better!

    For next week's reviewed by you Club Penguin wants to know when your in a band what's your favorite role to play? Are you a lead singer? Backup dancer? Or something unique? I think I'm the drummer. ;)

    - Lville

    NEW Series 9 Treasure book! Plus cheats!

    Club Penguin has released a new (well sorta, its a little bit like the series 8 treasure book, lol) series 9 treasure book! All though its somewhat like the last treasure book I still love to buy new Club Penguin toys and unlock items, don't you? The best part is that the exclusives (my favorite part of the book!) are always different, right?

    Anyways down to the good stuff... The cheats!

    1st. Turn to page two.
    2nd. Click on the nose of the cheerleader, to get the White Pompoms.

    3rd. Turn to the third page.
    4th. Click on the light beam coming from the hands of Shadow Guy, to get the Gamma Gal costume.

    5th. Turn to the next page.
    6th. Click on the Crystal Staff that the penguin is holding, for the Amethyst Dress and Hat.

    7th. Turn the page again.
    8th. Now click on the eye of the crab costume, for the Beige Explorers Outfit.

    Now you should be the best looking penguin on the whole island with all those sweet cheats! ;)

    - Lville